How to Purify Yourself Through the Elements

The Four Elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air) are not just symbols… They are also complex life elements upon which our physical and psychological evolution relies. There are very simple methods designed to help you make use of their properties in order to obtain what you want from life in every area.
To take advantage of the benefits brought by these natural elements, you need to come into contact with them – both spiritually and emotionally.
The Earth: the element of fertilization and birth
When should you use and invoke the Earth element? Call upon the Earth to rid you of your bad habits, of your shortcomings, and to revitalize yourself – both psychologically and physically.
For any request related to the Earth element, proceed as follows:
- Find a place out in nature (a forest, a garden, a field) where the soil is loose. Walk on this soil and stand up barefoot.
- Take some loose soil in each of your hands.
- Think hard about what you wish for: having new ideas in general or in a specific area, launching a personal project, better knowing who you are, exploring your abilities, etc.
- As you are fully aware of the fact that your feet are in contact with the ground beneath your feet and the soil in your hands, say this:
“Oh You, Earth Element, I am calling on you to (express your wish in one sentence).
Inspire me so that I may fulfill this wish as soon as possible!
Fill me with your energy so I can regularly work on it until it comes true (or until I revitalize myself – physically or psychologically).
Accompany me on my path. Thank you in advance!”
Perform this ritual once a week until your wish has been fulfilled. Dedicate 10 to 15 minutes to each ritual.
Water: the symbol of purification and life
When should you use and invoke the Water element? Call on the Water element when you want new ideas to crop up in your mind, when you want to purify yourself, to launch projects, to explore your abilities or to better know yourself.
For any request related to the Water element, proceed as follows:
- If you have a bathtub, fill it with lukewarm water; if you have a shower, let lukewarm water shower your whole body during the ritual – from head to toe.
- Think hard about what you wish for: having new ideas, launching a personal project, better knowing who you are, exploring your abilities, or simply purifying yourself – both psychologically and physically.
- As you are fully aware of the water running of your body, say this:
“Oh You, Water Element, I am calling upon you to (express your wish in one sentence).
Inspire me so that I may fulfill this wish as soon as possible!
Fill me with your energy so I can regularly work on it until it comes true (or until I revitalize myself – physically or psychologically).
Accompany me on my path. Thank you in advance!”
Perform this ritual once a week until your wish has been fulfilled or simply to purify yourself. Dedicate 10 to 15 minutes to each ritual.
Fire: the symbol of purification and inner activity
When should you use and invoke the Fire element? Call upon the Fire element when you want to deepen your knowledge in a specific area, when you want to earn more money, when you want to be luckier or when you want to increase your vitality levels (both psychologically and physically speaking).
For any request related to the Fire element, proceed as follows:
- If you don’t have a fireplace, light a campfire out in nature where there are no plants around you – or simply light a candle at home.
- Think hard about what you wish for: doing an astrology psychic reading, for example, deepening your knowledge in a specific area to earn more money, to be luckier, to increase your vitality levels…
- Say the following sentences as you gaze at the flame or fire:
“Oh You, Fire Element, I am calling upon you to (express your wish in one sentence).
Inspire me so that I may fulfill this wish as soon as possible!
Fill me with your energy so I can make this wish come true.
Accompany me on my path. Thank you in advance!”
Perform this ritual once a week until your wish has been fulfilled. Dedicate 10 to 15 minutes to each ritual.
The Air is the symbol of lightness
When should you use and invoke the Air element? Call upon the Air element to adapt to the circumstances, to see things clearly, to make the right decisions, or to open up your mind to the ideas you need to improve your life in general or in a specific area.
For any request related to the Air element, proceed as follows:
- Expose yourself to the moderate wind out in nature.
- Think hard about what you wish for: adapting to the circumstance, having clear thoughts, opening your mind up to the principles you need to improve your life in general or in a specific area, making the right decisions.
- As you feel the wind blowing and as you take deep breaths, say the following sentences:
“Oh You, Air Element, I am calling upon you to (express your wish in one sentence).
Inspire me so that I may fulfill this wish as soon as possible!
Fill me with your energy so I can make this wish come true.
Accompany me on my path. Thank you in advance!”
Perform this ritual once a week until your wish has been fulfilled. Dedicate 10 to 15 minutes to each ritual.